Thread: Lurkers Speak!
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Old October 14th 06, 06:01 AM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 226
Default Lurkers Speak!

"Roy " put an "RP" here to reply wrote in message
On 13 Oct 2006 09:45:53 -0700,

Ok, flame away. I've even dropped every twit filter I've had in this
group to make sure I see every
argument refuting this post. I really want to hear the logic as to how
ranting, raving,
name-calling, insults and veiled threats brings people into the hobby.
Maybe you'll convince me
that common courtesy and respect are a waste of time. I doubt it, but
fire away.


You can choose to be as thin skinned as you like Roy. This is usenet, and
there's no one here to breakup the fights or punish the bad boys. This goes
on in every group I've ever read, from computers to health topics. As far as
I know there's only one poster that gets constantly attacked here whenever
he pops up. I think you're assuming it happens to everyone. Not true. As for
your bad class experience... don't judge an entire profession by one bad
teacher. That would be very silly indeed. I've taught 1000's of folks and
have not had one refund request in over 25 years. I can't tell you how many
really bad teachers I had in my public school days. If I took your advice, I
would have quit school before I was 10 years old. See no flames.

JK Sinrod
