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Old May 23rd 04, 07:57 AM
Dr. Quilter
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a

No, no, the problem is not the size, but that you might get a mixed
batch. I am old fashioned in this sense I guess, I am always distrustful
unless I can touch the fabric! Evendors would go broke with me... only
in dire need I order online! )

~KK~ in B.C. wrote:

I must have lucked out so far I guess because I have made a few different
quilts over the years, not serious stuff like I would like to start up here
soon, but so far the only thing I have had to fix on any of my scrappy
quilts is either the binding that has worn out or to retie a few of the ties
when they become loose or come out in the wash.

I use a good quality thread and a good 1/4" seam allowance and haven't had
anything I have made to date have a problem. So I guess as far as quality of
the piece, no, I guess I never worried about it or thought about it.

I have some that my grandmother made eons ago that are holding up just fine
and most of her quilts were made simply with a 3" square and tied. They have
been through anything and everything from babies to camping and they always
come out just beautiful from the dryer

~KK~ who most likely won't be persuaded that there would be any problems
with smaller bits and squares since she has some proof that they will last a
lifetime or more

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\f1 \cf0 Dr. Quilter\
Ambassador of Extraordinary Aliens\\
(take the dog out before replying)
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